Joe and I include the kids in our family goal setting because they are our biggest motivators. The benefits of family goal setting include, family bonding, delayed gratification, sibling support, emotional support and so much more. Any time we have set a family goal each of the kids have jumped in to help us achieve it. Some of the goals we set are only for Joe and I to actively work on however the kids help us out by taking over time consuming chores. 





Joe and I are building a legacy for our kids and in order to do that we have to have their help. So we set family goals, which is ultimately to mine and Joe’s benefit because those kids push us and it is awesome! Nothing else motivates me like my kids asking if we have reached a particular goal so we can go do a fun activity that they desperately want to do. When you haven’t reached the goal and you have to tell them that you didn’t the drive is so much greater! The kids help keep us on track. Set goals with your kids, it will be so worth it!

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First time ice skating

Jonathan is an amazing big brother, even though his girlfriend was there with us he still took time with his little sister! This was her very first time ice skating and she was like bambi so Me, Joe and Jonathan all took turns helping her.

It took Caroline a while to figure out that she needed to hold her body as if she were walking instead of going limp, lol. 

While Jonathan took Caroline around Abby hung out with Victoria. (After all their friendship was the catalyst to Jonathan and Abby dating) 

Ice Skating

Off they go!

Jonathan is getting real good at splitting his time between the women in his life and understanding that they all just want time with him. I am also proud of the girls for understanding that they all want time with him and for not getting upset when he splits his time. They are all awesome!

I spent most of my time with this handsome dude, which is why I didn’t get too many pictures. He was like a wet noodle for a while but then once he caught on he took off and left me in the dust!

Ice Skating selfie

I finally got a chance to skate with this beauty! She is such a wonderful person and I absolutely love her! For her first time skating she did amazingly, I know we will be taking them back soon since they all loved it! 

Time for the next goal!

This was a great family goal and I am so glad we set it. Getting the whole family involved in goal setting is quite the motivator. I am looking forward to choosing our next goal and meeting it so we can go have more family fun! There is something to be said for telling the people who support you about your goals and I highly recommend it! We are working so hard to do amazing things for our kids and I hope you are too. 

XOXO, Candise