Today’s post is about how to cure Tinea Versicolor holistically. Can I just say that TVC is awful! If you are battling with TVC, I understand, I have been there and I feel your frustration! Also, if you are caring for someone who has TVC please know that they are miserable and frustrated. The best thing you can do for them is help them on their journey to healing. I promise it will be worth it!

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My Tinea Versicolor story

To help you understand why I went the route I did and how I cured my tinea versicolor I want to tell you my story. I was diagnosed with Tinea versicolor after about a year of having the first rash. Over the course of several years I went to the doctor who would prescribe an antibiotic and an anti-fungal. My rash would go away for a few months and then return with a vengeance. This scenario went on for twelve years! I never got better, I was miserable and I cried a lot!  I thought I would never be healed and that this was my life, my new norm. My stomach hurt all the time plus I hated looking at myself in the mirror. It was horrible. 

Enter my angel

How to cure Tinea Versicolor holistically

My other mom ( her daughter is one of my best friends and I grew up at her house just as much as my own) knew that I was going through this health challenge and suggested I go gluten free and I thought she was nuts! She loved me anyway and kept pushing. (thank you momma C!) One day she handed me a book and said, in her stern mom voice “READ THIS!”  Cue my big eyes and a quick “Yes Ma’am!”   

Of course I read the book!

The book she handed me was The Candida Cure, Yeast, Fungus, and Your Health by Ann Boroch. Ya’ll, this book saved me. It enlightened me to the magnitude of my candida problem and helped me heal myself. 

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So what is Tinea versicolor?

Tinea versicolor is a fungal infection of the skin and is caused by a type of yeast that naturally lives on there. When the yeast grows out of control the rash appears as a result. You may be wondering what Candida has to do with Tinea versicolor. Candida is a yeast over growth and Tinea versicolor is caused by a yeast overgrowth. If you change the diet for one you heal both!

How to cure Tinea Versicolor holistically

I cured my tinea versicolor by changing my diet. Simple as that. After about three months of eating a strict candida diet the rash and all of my symptoms went away! The basis of the diet is to cut out white flour (all gluten) and sugar until the candida has died off. White flour products like breads, pasta, pastries, and cakes all  turn to sugar in your body and as a result sugar feeds the yeast. Remove the sugar, starve the yeast. 

Where am I now?

I am still gluten free however my diet leans more towards a candida diet than anything else. After being on this diet for close to five and a half years I have cheat days but I can also pick up on my body signals faster. I don’t love the diet, however I love the results that the diet has given me and so, I stick to it. Don’t get me wrong, I live in the south and every now and again I deeply desire fried chicken and mac’n cheese! 

How to cure Tinea Versicolor holistically

What next?

The first thing you should do is get the book The Candida Cure and complete the test inside to see if you need to be on this diet. If you find that you need to be on this diet the next step is to start preparing recipes that you can eat during this process. I have several recipes posted that are perfect for this diet and will be continuing to add more. Check out all of my recipes because I have many of them converted to fit the candida diet!

Supplement, supplement, supplement

Something else that I did was add in vitamins that help with gut health and make sure that my other vitamins were gluten free. Below are the vitamins I was taking and added into my diet. 

How to cure Tinea Versicolor holistically
How to cure Tinea Versicolor holistically

Make sure that you register as a customer for the vitamins so that you can receive your perk points!

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Now that you know how to cure tinea versicolor holistically are you ready to begin your healing process? The first thing you need to do is get the book “The Candida Cure”. Before you are finished with the book you will want to start making changes, however you should to get a plan together first.  It’s best to take a few weeks to familiarize yourself with the foods you can eat and make a meal plan before you change your diet. You will want to compile a list of recipes and then plan out several weeks of meals. Planning ahead prevents frustration of planning in the moment. 

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