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How often do you notice other people? I mean really take notice. When you go grocery shopping are you so consumed with getting in and out so fast that you don’t take the time to really notice others? So many times I have said hello to people and they are so wrapped up in themselves that they don’t even notice that someone was talking to them. I’m not offended, just observant. Do you take notice, do you say hello to people? Do you know that you may be the only person who shows someone else a smile all day?  Do you realize what an impact you can make with someone just by being nice. 

My goal everyday is to "interrupt their day with kindness"
Your Friend

My husband and I believe in God and that we are not here for our own selfish reasons but to love others and leave them better than we found them. Yes we want to help lead others to Christ as well but it is ultimately their choice. My husband and I make a point to interrupt peoples’ day with kindness everyday and what I have noticed through this process is just how many people do not seem to know how to be selfless. I know that people have so many things going on and they are stressed and busy, but those are the very reasons Joe and I interrupt their day. They need to be loved and valued. People need to be shaken awake and pulled out of their own heads even for just a moment, to be reminded that there are people in this world that are kind. The best way to love yourself is to love others. The next time you are walking through the grocery store if someone says “hello” to you, stop and turn your feet to them and say “hello, how are you today”, you never know where that will take you, it could be the conversation that changes your whole life!

I challenge you to be the light in someones day, interrupt their day with kindness! You will be surprised at how it makes you feel! It will energize you and wake you up and you will feel amazing! The next interruption you have could change the trajectory of your life. I hope you accept my challenge and challenge others to do the same. 

Love, OurCharmingLife